Pickles (Inhere Aajivika Utthan Samiti Almora Uttarakhand)

Pickling is one of the oldest methods of #food preservation. But no longer do we continue pickling for preserving foods. It’s more about the #taste now.
Pickles are supposed to be an #indian #recipe . But we have had #korean , #japanese , #chinese pickling for long. And all of these have surprising benefits along with the Taste.

So its time to #treat yourself to the #yummy #Organic #Mango #pickle prepared in the pristine #Himalayas by the pahadi #Women .
In Himalayas, generally, the produce per farmer is quite low. And the fruit/vegetable produce, being perishable, is thrown as a waste. However, a decade ago, with training support provided by one of our members to some women SHGs , the women started processing these fruits/vegetables to prepare kinda home made oil free pahadi pickles. The fruit is natural and no chemicals are used at any stage of production. Hence, these pickles taste so real.
Importantly, there are only limited options for income generation in these remote areas and your purchase from this sustainable food system empowers these women Self Help Groups.

The #Health benefits of pickles include a good supply of essential vitamins , minerals , and #antioxidants , which contributes to diabetes control, improved digestion , liver protection, a supply of probiotics, and the ability to heal ulcers.